
The Ides of March

Archive for October 6th, 2012

Analysis of Mitt Romney’s Chart

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Mitt’s chart.

Because he has Gemini rising, the ruler is Mercury in Pisces retrograde. How very strange and intriguing for such a successful man.

Mercury in Pisces is not just in detriment but in fall – traditionally a terrible position. What’s more it’s retrograde. You would expect there to have been some kind of trouble with early education or maybe some difficulty with speaking. I’ve seen this kind of thing in charts of people who didn’t speak for a while as children, or who had to learn a foreign language very young, or who somehow failed to be heard. This is often a problem for Pisces Sun anyway. I wonder if he felt listened to as a child. He was clearly cosseted by that is not the same thing. This position also fits with the stream of gaffes we hear coming from Romney’s mouth.

But the upside of Mercury in Pisces is an interesting mind – not linear but visual – inclined to abstraction, imagination. You see this in the charts of many, many musicians and actors.With this chart, Romney could well have made a success in movies.

So we see a combination of Gemini, the trickster, the talker, the reporter, on the ascendant and dreaming, scheming Pisces. This can be a marvellously creative energy. In fact I have a friend who’s a poet with a chart similar to this. But it can also show someone who has problems telling the truth, partly because for him truth is relative. Some commentators have noted that Romney seems to think that if he says something it must be true. This shows a massive level of self-belief, of faith. Pisces Sun can have that level of self-belief. One of it’s rulers is Jupiter, the planet of faith, and Neptune, the planet of illusion.

You can see Mitt Romney’s self-belief in his strongly placed Moon conjunct Jupiter in Scorpioright on an angle. Moon-Jupiter gives an unquestioning, easy faith – and Romney’s is at a lovely, supportive angle to his Sun. He really believes in himself. The Moon represents the mother, too. Lenore must have adored him, pampered him, built him up, loomed even larger in his life than most mothers. She was a Scorpio Sun.

Brother Scott, Lenore and Mitt in 1964. She’s so chic.

So mother and son must have been very close with that Sun-Moon compatibility.
Scorpio Moon is fixed, loyal, steadfast,unforgiving. Combined with Jupiter, you can see Romney’s adherence to the narrow Mormon faith.  His faith must give Romney real inner steel. 

One final thought about the Moon-Jupiter is that it can sometimes come across as a big child, especially in Romney’s case when you combine it with Gemini Rising. He comes across as an overgrown Richie Rich in some interviews.

Jupiter ruling his Pisces Sun strengthens the trine between the lights – Moon and Sun. This again emphasises his self-belief, and likely the strength he got from his upbringing. Romney is doubly lucky, though, look at the lucky planets in his chart! Both Jupiter and Venus are on angles.

The goddess of love and ladies and wealth dominates his chart., casting a golden glow over the whole thing from her position at the highest point. When you see that the closest aspect to Venus is from romantic Neptune, you can understand this is from Vanity Fair:

[His son Taggart says] “We were not allowed to say anything negative about my mother, talk back to her, do anything that would not be respectful of her.” From the beginning, Mitt had put Ann on a pedestal and kept her there. “When they were dating,” Tagg said, “he felt like she was way better than him and he was really lucky to have this catch. He really genuinely still feels that way.”

Some are favoured by the gods. Romney has been blessed with wealth, good looks and the love of a good woman – all in the purview of Venus. With the support of Neptune, this is exaggerated. Some astrologers, see Neptune as a higher octave of Venus. Neptune in aspect does seem to have a kind of emphasising effect on Venus, making her subtly more extreme.

Being chosen by Venus can have it’s downside.
Aubrtey Beardsle: Venus and Tannhauser.

Venus in Aquarius. That’s a good political placement, especially along with the 11th house Sun. It could show a love of the people, altruism. And it is on the angle that rules Romney’s most public persona and career.

Venus in Aquarius is often pretty androgynous. It suggests someone friendly, a man who likes independent, unusual women. That does not describe Mrs Romney, but it certainly describes Lenore.

Venus in Aquarius is also a bit of a gender bender. So it’s interesting that one of the nastiest stories about Romney involves him assaulting a fellow student in high school for being gay. I wonder how Romney feels about his own inner Liberace? With the planet of masculinity Mars in tender Pisces, he must at heart feel less than butch. His famous arrogance may have been a cover for feelings of inadequacy. When he was a teen-ager he obviously hated his inner Liberace so much he had to project his self-disgust outward onto someone else. Scorpio Moon has a reputation for cruelty, of course.

The really disturbing thing about the anecdote (fact-checked by The Washington Post no less) is that everyone else involved remembered it well and still felt ashamed all these years later, whereas Romney tried to laugh it off, claiming not to recall it.
In fact, I expect he has an excellent memory with Pisces Sun and Scorpio Moon. Romney’s book is called No Apology.

Venus in Aquarius is also someone who is comfortable with being different, just as Romney must alway be as a Mormon in the corridors of power. However, that Venus has some seriously strange aspects zapping it. It’s OK for him to be different, but not for anyone else. First of all it’s opposed by Saturn and Pluto. In fact it’s exactly on the midpoint of that opposition, so it’s as if Venus is right in the crosshairs of a gun.

Saturn-Pluto is a pretty harsh combination of planets – oppressive, violent, ambitious, driven. Those two are like a nexus of driving dark energy on the IC. What is really motivating Romney? And what was his relationship with his ambitious, powerful father really like?

There is something Oedipal about the energy of this chart. Romney’s father was a remarkable man – and he must have worked very, very hard to get where he did. I wonder how much time he really spent with his youngest son.

It seems to me that Romney’s doing it for Mom (Moon and Venus) – her failed campaign for the senate in 1970 may have made an impression – and to beat Dad (Saturn-Pluto).

Romney Senior had a major stellium in the Cardinal water sign, Cancer. So we have Lenore with her Sun in fixed water in Scorpio, and Mitt with Sun in mutable Pisces. The generations move through water, from self-starting Cancer to mass-consciousness Pisces. That’s very simple astrology, often the best kind.

Romney’s life is in the image of his parents’ life. Like them, he married his childhood sweetheart, went into business, went into politics. Gemini is the mimic, Pisces is the mirror. But somewhere in all those multiple reflections of life, the integrity of George and Lenore Romney got lost.

Maybe when Venus showers you with so many blessings, you start to believe you’re entitled to them.Venus brings vanity.

Mitt Romney

All politicians seek power for a variety of motives, some personal and some altruistic. Mitt Romney is no exception. Despite some of his crasser statements (and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction), he’s not simply motivated by lust for power. I think he believes he’s right and could do good (Venus in Aquarius, Pisces Sun in the 11th, Moon-Jupiter on the Desc, near the 6th).

He had not planets in Earth. What’s more his earth houses are empty and his angles are in Air and Fire. He lacks grounding. He’s all air and water. This speaks of his lack of experience of real life.

Age of Aquarius

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The vernal equinox at the present time[circa 1910] is in 10 degrees of the CONSTELLATION PISCES, and that of course is called by astronomers the first degree of Aries. They have the system we use in astrology of differentiating between the two zodiacs. They always start with the first point of Aries, which they call 0 degrees of longitude, at the same time when the Sun passes over the equator every year. They know and measure precession, at the rate of about fifty seconds of space ever year. When we go back that fifty seconds of space every year it amounts to one degree in about 72 years, and one sign in about 2,100 years, so that is the same measurement we are using astrology.

The Sun is at the present time crossing the equator in about 10 degrees of the constellation Pisces as already said, and as it precedes at the rate of 50 seconds a year or one degree in 72 years, you can easily figure when the Sun will by precession enter the constellation Aquarius: about the year 2638. Why anybody should say that the Aquarian Age begins in 1912 we don’t know. This much may be said, however, that every one of us has an aura which interpenetrates the physical body and extends about 16 inches from its periphery. It grows larger as we become more spiritual, but that is the average. This accounts for the fact that sometimes we FEEL a person standing behind us. His aura and ours blend, and thereby we sense the presence and feel his vibration. It is the same with the Sun, Moon, earth, and all the other planets. Each has its particular aura. Thus as the Sun moved toward the constellation Aquarius, its aura went before it and contacted the Aquarian vibration, so that the influence began to be felt by us in about the middle of the last century.

If we will consider the fact that Spirit is the sign of invention, originality, and independence, changing the world to brighter and more liberal ideas, and them remember that since 1850 the religious and social ideas of the world have undergone a very complete revolution, and that science and invention have taken a wonderful turn, this seems to work out. Just think of the things that have come into the world since that time. Steamships were then beginning to be used, then the telegraph and telephone, wireless telegraphy, automobiles, airships, electrical appliances, and everything that has revolutionized life in the past 60 or 70 years. The whole world has been transformed with that Aquarian influence and this is being more and more felt every year. Therefore it may be said that we ARE IN ORB OF AQUARIUS, but the AQUARIAN AGE has not actually started. When Christ came the Sun by precession was in Seven degrees of Aries. It still had Seven degrees to go to Pisces, but it was in orb. In 498 A.D. the Sun crossed in 0 degrees of Aries, and from that it has been preceding into the sign Pisces and then the Piscean Age began.

Written by harenews

October 6, 2012 at 8:41 pm

Neptune in Aries in 2025: Civil War?

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Aries is the sign of new beginnings and at this time a very bloody birth within America was taking place.  Aries is also the Greek God of War.  The American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 would ultimately cost the lives of over 600,000 people, it would forever prevent the breaking apart of our nation and it would end slavery and the beginning of freedom for many.

The geocentric transit of Neptune entering the constellation of Aries occurred for the first time on April 13th, 1861: the exact same date exactly Fort Sumter fell to The Confederacy. This date marked the beginning of the Civil War.

Neptune briefly regressed back into Pisces and then re-entered Aries on February 14, 1862 when two forts surrendered to the Union forces of General Grant (born in 1822 near the time Pluto entered Aries). The surrender of forts — i. e. of Saturnian enclosures — symbolize interestingly the beginnings of the present Neptune cycle. Neptune was then in “transforming” quintile aspect to Uranus. All very high ideals, which take quite a bit more to carry out than mere legislation or even something as monumental as the bloodiest conflict in American History.

There is very little sympathy between the hard, practical, fire and energy of Aries and the cold sensitive Neptune. The combination makes for disruption; its aspect to another planet, other things being equal, is likely to be somewhat upsetting. Those aspects which we describe as good will be not so good when Neptune is in the sign, as if he is in one more harmonious with his nature. In all cases of war and other businesses requiring initiative and energy, the influence is likely to be particularly unfortunate.

The down side could be the Aries impulsiveness and recklessness and impatience continually leading them to believe their ideal dream (Neptune) lies just over the horizon where pastures are greener and there is new territory to conquer (Aries). This combination of Aries’ lack of perseverance and this planet’s impractical leanings toward the harsh reality of the amount of work entailed to surmount obstacles, may leave the all too common result of a long list of incomplete projects in the native’s wake.

Planet Neptune was in the sign of Aries from 1861 to 1875. It’s important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign, and therefore the interpretation applies to a generation rather than the individual. For a more individual interpretation you need to look at the house position of Neptune in your chart. Interestingly enough Neptune will be re entering the sign of Aries around 2020, therefore the combination of Neptune in Aries will soon be highly relevant again. With Neptune in Aries , Neptune the planet of spirituality is in the first of the signs Aries. Since the sign of Aries is all about new beginnings and a rebirth of ideas, this combination represents a new cycle and blossoming of spiritual ideas and philosophy. The last time Neptune was in Aries was during the time of the American Civil War. There was literally a battle epitomised by the warrior sign Aries over spiritual ideas and values. The clash between the North and South took place over a background of differing values with regards to the morality of slavery and the control of central government. Eventually as Neptune passed through the sign of Aries it left the country in a far different state to when it first entered, Slavery was no longer acceptable and the government had at least nominal control of the whole of the country. People in the coming generation who have Neptune in Aries will believe and take part in a rebirth of spiritual ideas and values. A new generation of leaders with be born and will rise with ideas for easing the suffering of humanity.

However, these people may make ideal champions for those less fortunate than themselves as long as the troops are deployed properly. We will have to wait and see how this will manifest on a more personal level the next time around, for Neptune is not projected to enter Aries again until around the year 2025.