
The Ides of March

314: Sorkin on Jamie Dimon running for President in 2020

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Andrew Ross Sorkin, NY Times:

On Wall Street, there’s been a running parlor game about whether Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase’s chief executive, would try to run for president in 2020. His annual letters, filled with commentary on U.S. policy, have only increased the chatter, and this year’s letter, released Thursday, is no different. It touches on everything from trade to immigration. While Mr. Dimon, who once called himself “barely a Democrat,” says he plans to stay at the bank for the next five years, the question among political prognosticators is whether Mr. Dimon’s policy views could ever find a home among voters in this politically polarized environment.

Mr. Dimon’s sensible letter was seemingly supportive of some of President Trump’s policies, while taking the opposing side on others. Mr. Dimon particularly applauded the corporate tax cut and deregulation efforts. On China trade, Mr. Dimon writes: “It is not unreasonable for the United States to press ahead for more equivalency,” and that “one of the administration’s best arguments is that negotiation alone has not worked.” However, he said he would like to see more cooperation with U.S. allies on talks with China and added that the U.S. should “revisit the Trans-Pacific Partnership.”

On immigration, he called for tougher border control, writing, “American citizens have the right to complain that we have not successfully protected our borders since the last immigration reform in 1986.” He also said, “People immigrating to this country should be taught American history, our language and our principles.” At the same time, he also advocated for “a path to legal status and citizenship” for “Dreamers” and improving “merit-based immigration” programs so that immigrants educated here can stay.

For more of Andrew Ross Sorkin’s article:

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