
The Ides of March

Archive for March 2012

J Jawer on Neptune in Pisces

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Neptune is the planet of dreams, faith, imagination and spirituality. The sign it’s in during its long 165-year cycle around the Sun describes where we express our highest hopes and how we can delude ourselves with unrealistic expectations. Neptune entered high tech Aquarius in January 1998, and will finally leave this intellectual sign this week, on Feb. 3. There was a brief preview of Neptune in its watery home sign Pisces from April 4 – Aug. 4, 2011, but now it’s about to settle in for a 13-year stay.

Neptune in Aquarius was about the illusion that technology and our modern cleverness has somehow managed to do away with the age-old economic cycles of lean years and fat years. The slick financial tricks of repackaging loans and refinancing homes has proven that we are still on a planet of rising and falling tides where change is the only constant. A more rewarding expression of this transit has been the continuing fall of barriers to communication and community. Tweets, texts, Facebook and other online communities are linking humans around the globe, and contributed to the downfall of despotic North African regimes. In the United States, first the Tea Party from the right and the Occupy movement from the left have galvanized communities resistant to maintaining the political status quo.

For more of Jeff’s article on Neptune in Pisces please

check out his original article at:  http://beta.tarot.com/blog/astrology-planet-neptune-in-pisces

Written by harenews

March 16, 2012 at 4:05 pm