
The Ides of March

Posts Tagged ‘Mitt Romney Pisces

312: M Judge: Jack Kerouac Would Vote for Mitt Romney

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Who exudes more simplicity, authenticity, naturalness, and earnestness–Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Who is more cooly postcool? It’s Romney. Romney never superimposed a studied grittiness onto what has been a privileged background. He is what Lester Young and Miles Davis strove to be: themselves, despite what the dominant culture tells you to be. The worst thing Romney could possibly do is to try and loosen up and be what he is not. He needs to stay several miles away from Jon Stewart and David Letterman. Just consider Hollywood a lost cause.

In fact, Obama and Romney are both nerds who went to good schools. Romney used his connections to make money, whereas Obama denied his true self and created a phony new identity.  Obama, with his embrace of a 1960s black power struggle he was never a part of and his corny singing at the Apollo Theatre, is a fraud.  Romney is the one cool enough to not be ashamed about who he is. It’s not a stretch to say that Jack Kerouac may have even voted for him.

For more of Mark Judge’s article check out:  http://acculturated.com/jack-kerouac-would-vote-for-mitt-romney/

Analysis of Mitt Romney’s Chart

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Mitt’s chart.

Because he has Gemini rising, the ruler is Mercury in Pisces retrograde. How very strange and intriguing for such a successful man.

Mercury in Pisces is not just in detriment but in fall – traditionally a terrible position. What’s more it’s retrograde. You would expect there to have been some kind of trouble with early education or maybe some difficulty with speaking. I’ve seen this kind of thing in charts of people who didn’t speak for a while as children, or who had to learn a foreign language very young, or who somehow failed to be heard. This is often a problem for Pisces Sun anyway. I wonder if he felt listened to as a child. He was clearly cosseted by that is not the same thing. This position also fits with the stream of gaffes we hear coming from Romney’s mouth.

But the upside of Mercury in Pisces is an interesting mind – not linear but visual – inclined to abstraction, imagination. You see this in the charts of many, many musicians and actors.With this chart, Romney could well have made a success in movies.

So we see a combination of Gemini, the trickster, the talker, the reporter, on the ascendant and dreaming, scheming Pisces. This can be a marvellously creative energy. In fact I have a friend who’s a poet with a chart similar to this. But it can also show someone who has problems telling the truth, partly because for him truth is relative. Some commentators have noted that Romney seems to think that if he says something it must be true. This shows a massive level of self-belief, of faith. Pisces Sun can have that level of self-belief. One of it’s rulers is Jupiter, the planet of faith, and Neptune, the planet of illusion.

You can see Mitt Romney’s self-belief in his strongly placed Moon conjunct Jupiter in Scorpioright on an angle. Moon-Jupiter gives an unquestioning, easy faith – and Romney’s is at a lovely, supportive angle to his Sun. He really believes in himself. The Moon represents the mother, too. Lenore must have adored him, pampered him, built him up, loomed even larger in his life than most mothers. She was a Scorpio Sun.

Brother Scott, Lenore and Mitt in 1964. She’s so chic.

So mother and son must have been very close with that Sun-Moon compatibility.
Scorpio Moon is fixed, loyal, steadfast,unforgiving. Combined with Jupiter, you can see Romney’s adherence to the narrow Mormon faith.  His faith must give Romney real inner steel. 

One final thought about the Moon-Jupiter is that it can sometimes come across as a big child, especially in Romney’s case when you combine it with Gemini Rising. He comes across as an overgrown Richie Rich in some interviews.

Jupiter ruling his Pisces Sun strengthens the trine between the lights – Moon and Sun. This again emphasises his self-belief, and likely the strength he got from his upbringing. Romney is doubly lucky, though, look at the lucky planets in his chart! Both Jupiter and Venus are on angles.

The goddess of love and ladies and wealth dominates his chart., casting a golden glow over the whole thing from her position at the highest point. When you see that the closest aspect to Venus is from romantic Neptune, you can understand this is from Vanity Fair:

[His son Taggart says] “We were not allowed to say anything negative about my mother, talk back to her, do anything that would not be respectful of her.” From the beginning, Mitt had put Ann on a pedestal and kept her there. “When they were dating,” Tagg said, “he felt like she was way better than him and he was really lucky to have this catch. He really genuinely still feels that way.”

Some are favoured by the gods. Romney has been blessed with wealth, good looks and the love of a good woman – all in the purview of Venus. With the support of Neptune, this is exaggerated. Some astrologers, see Neptune as a higher octave of Venus. Neptune in aspect does seem to have a kind of emphasising effect on Venus, making her subtly more extreme.

Being chosen by Venus can have it’s downside.
Aubrtey Beardsle: Venus and Tannhauser.

Venus in Aquarius. That’s a good political placement, especially along with the 11th house Sun. It could show a love of the people, altruism. And it is on the angle that rules Romney’s most public persona and career.

Venus in Aquarius is often pretty androgynous. It suggests someone friendly, a man who likes independent, unusual women. That does not describe Mrs Romney, but it certainly describes Lenore.

Venus in Aquarius is also a bit of a gender bender. So it’s interesting that one of the nastiest stories about Romney involves him assaulting a fellow student in high school for being gay. I wonder how Romney feels about his own inner Liberace? With the planet of masculinity Mars in tender Pisces, he must at heart feel less than butch. His famous arrogance may have been a cover for feelings of inadequacy. When he was a teen-ager he obviously hated his inner Liberace so much he had to project his self-disgust outward onto someone else. Scorpio Moon has a reputation for cruelty, of course.

The really disturbing thing about the anecdote (fact-checked by The Washington Post no less) is that everyone else involved remembered it well and still felt ashamed all these years later, whereas Romney tried to laugh it off, claiming not to recall it.
In fact, I expect he has an excellent memory with Pisces Sun and Scorpio Moon. Romney’s book is called No Apology.

Venus in Aquarius is also someone who is comfortable with being different, just as Romney must alway be as a Mormon in the corridors of power. However, that Venus has some seriously strange aspects zapping it. It’s OK for him to be different, but not for anyone else. First of all it’s opposed by Saturn and Pluto. In fact it’s exactly on the midpoint of that opposition, so it’s as if Venus is right in the crosshairs of a gun.

Saturn-Pluto is a pretty harsh combination of planets – oppressive, violent, ambitious, driven. Those two are like a nexus of driving dark energy on the IC. What is really motivating Romney? And what was his relationship with his ambitious, powerful father really like?

There is something Oedipal about the energy of this chart. Romney’s father was a remarkable man – and he must have worked very, very hard to get where he did. I wonder how much time he really spent with his youngest son.

It seems to me that Romney’s doing it for Mom (Moon and Venus) – her failed campaign for the senate in 1970 may have made an impression – and to beat Dad (Saturn-Pluto).

Romney Senior had a major stellium in the Cardinal water sign, Cancer. So we have Lenore with her Sun in fixed water in Scorpio, and Mitt with Sun in mutable Pisces. The generations move through water, from self-starting Cancer to mass-consciousness Pisces. That’s very simple astrology, often the best kind.

Romney’s life is in the image of his parents’ life. Like them, he married his childhood sweetheart, went into business, went into politics. Gemini is the mimic, Pisces is the mirror. But somewhere in all those multiple reflections of life, the integrity of George and Lenore Romney got lost.

Maybe when Venus showers you with so many blessings, you start to believe you’re entitled to them.Venus brings vanity.

Mitt Romney

All politicians seek power for a variety of motives, some personal and some altruistic. Mitt Romney is no exception. Despite some of his crasser statements (and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction), he’s not simply motivated by lust for power. I think he believes he’s right and could do good (Venus in Aquarius, Pisces Sun in the 11th, Moon-Jupiter on the Desc, near the 6th).

He had not planets in Earth. What’s more his earth houses are empty and his angles are in Air and Fire. He lacks grounding. He’s all air and water. This speaks of his lack of experience of real life.

312 March 12: politicalastrology.com on the history of Saturn in Romney’s life

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Mitt Romney and a History of Saturn: Part I

Posted by on Thursday, June 30 2011

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is the current frontrunner in the Republican presidential nomination contest. How did he get to where he is, and what might his past say about his future? I propose a key planet to understanding Mitt Romney’s life is through the transits of Saturn. Saturn makes one full return every 29-30 years, a half return every 14-15 years, and a quarter return about every 7 years. In this first part, I will be solely concentrating on the Saturn transits to the position of his natal Saturn from his birth to the present day. In the second part, I will be showing other assorted Saturn transits in Mitt Romney’s life that speak to other aspects of his career, and hopefully will confirm, augment and complement the findings here.

Saturn 2 Leo 1947: “Miracle Baby”

Mitt Romney was born at 9:51 am on March 12th 1947 in Detroit, Michigan to George and Lenore Romney. George Romney was a rising star in the automotive industry at the time who would later go on into politics and even run for President. George Romney sensed something special about the child, as his wife Lenore had been told by doctors a few years before that she would not be able to have any more children, but she had faith. Up until the time of birth the health of the mother was in doubt, but mother and child ended up fine. In his proud announcement to his employees. George and Lenore would refer to their new son as their “miracle baby”. Romney was born with Saturn at 2 Leo, while it was anti-culminating on the IC. Saturn is the planet of ambition, struggle, responsibility and interestingly enough, father figures. The IC is a point of focus for the family and homelife. Saturn also rules the opposite end of the IC, the Midheaven, which is a point of focus for one’s career and reputation. As we will see, Mitt Romney’s career has been inextricably linked to his father and his family, something which Mitt Romney himself has always talked about.

For more of the article on the History of Saturn in Romney’s Political life, check out politicalatrology.com:


312 March 12: Maddam Lichtenstein reads Romney’s Horoscope

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Mitt Romney Mitt Romney was born on March 12, 1947 in Detroit Michigan at 9:51am according to the Political Astrology blog. This makes him a sun sign Pisces – emotional, romantic, somewhat intuitive and possibly soft, foggy and moody. But before we get too deep into his planets, lets look at his chart shape, modes and elements.

Chart Shape, Modes and Elements

Romney’s chart appears to have a seesaw shape where there are two distinct groups of planets on either side of the wheel. This shows a very dynamic personality that demands balance and resolution. The dynamicism plays out in a major opposition which in Romney’s case is Venus (love) in Aquarius (humanity and great causes) in the 10th house (career) opposite Pluto (great transformation) in Leo (on the public stage) in the 4th house (home and family). This opposition forms a backdrop of issues that are woven through the course of his life and will require him to deal with conflicting values, issues and choices.

For more of Maddam Lichtenstein’s reading of Gov Romney’s Horoscope, please check out her site at : http://thestarryeye.typepad.com/newage/2011/08/mitt-romney-horoscope.html#tpe-action-posted-6a00d8341cdd0d53ef015435f36968970c

312 March 12: Lynn Hayes looks at Romney

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Mitt Romney is gaining a bit of a reputation as a flip-flopper, but with  three planets in Pisces (plus Ceres) it’s his nature to be adaptable.  Pisces is  the most watery of the water planets: Cancer is an earthy water and Scorpio is a  fiery water, but Pisces is pure water in the sense that it tends to take the  shape of whatever container it finds itself in.  Pisces longs for peace and an  understanding that there is more to life than this material world.  There is a  strong sense of empathy and sensitivity in someone who has a strong Pisces  nature, but there is also a dislike of confrontation and a tendency toward  escapism that can lead him to take the easy path rather than the one that is  more true to his nature.

For more of Ms Hayes analysis of Gov Romney, check our her blog at: http://blog.beliefnet.com/astrologicalmusings/2007/10/a-look-at-mitt-romney.html/page/2/

Mars and Mercury fall in Pisces as well as his Sun, giving him a strong  Piscean nature.  Mercury in Pisces shows that his mental function is very watery  and intuitive, as well as being flexible and adaptable.  If something isn’t  working, he has no problem changing his mind to fit the current circumstance.   And Mars in Pisces is the peacemaker – the god of war in the sign of surrender.   Mars, as the planet that expresses our will and desires,  cannot find its full  expression in the sign that seeks to merge with the great beyond and this  further weakens Romney’s ability to assert himself strongly in any  situation.

Read more: http://blog.beliefnet.com/astrologicalmusings/2007/10/a-look-at-mitt-romney.html#ixzz1a3WJXfpw

312 March 12 Personality

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A Pisces born on March 12 brings creativity and grace to everything he or she does. They are adept at physical endeavors but can also impart their artistry to important life interests. They possess a spiritual intelligence. They are usually willing to sacrifice their interests to accommodate those they love, which they sometimes take too far.

Friends and Lovers

March 12 natives are engaging people with

a talent for friendship. They have difficulty maintaining permanence in their romantic life. This is likely to change once they reconcile their emotional strengths and weaknesses. Romance is a high art to these people.

Children and Family

Coming to grips with disappointments from childhood can be a challenge for those born on this date. Because of their reticence to criticize, they may never confront parents or siblings. As parents, they support the creative aspirations of their youngsters.


March 12 people understand the need to keep their life in balance, and that means physical exercise in addition to the pursuit of artistic ambitions. Also, people born on this day need to spend a lot of time alone to recharge their emotional and spiritual batteries.

For more visit about March 12 personalities visit:  http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/family/march-12-birthday-astrology.htm

365 Congressman

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‎435 Congressman is way too many. Nothing positive can get done with that unweildy number. We need to downsize the number to 365. I realize it will dilute our representation, but it will also have the affect of making it more difficult for extremists on both sides from getting elected and it will promote a more centrist legislature.As far as reducing their compensaton while they are in office. Her…e is why I am against it. Life has taught me time and time again that you basically get what you pay for. If you keep their salaries to low, the process will discourage canidates who have modest wealth and income streams. I believe the better solution is to pay them more but place greater restrictions on their ability to raise money and receive campaign contributions. The problem with our system lies not in paying millions of dollars on Congressional salaries, but in Congressmen and women spending trillions of dollars on God knows what.Pass it On.

March 12 Mitt Romney Quotes

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I would cap the amount of federal government can spend at 20
percent of the economy. Bring it back to 20 percent or lower. And say, we are
not going to spend above that level. Democrats, they want to raise your taxes
and spend more and more and turn us into an economy which is no longer driven by
the private sector.
Mitt Romney

More Quotes from Mitt Romney:


Written by harenews

August 28, 2011 at 12:04 am

March 13, 1950 Charles Krauthamer on Mitt Romney March 12, 1947

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Unified Field Theory of 2012, Axiom One: The more the Republicans can make
the 2012 election like 2010, the better their chances of winning.

The 2010 Democratic shellacking had the distinction of being the most
ideological election in 30 years. It was driven by one central argument in its
several parts: the size and reach of government, spending and debt, and, most
fundamentally, the nature of the American social contract. 2010 was a referendum
on the Obama experiment in hyperliberalism. It lost resoundingly.

Of course, presidential elections are not arguments in the abstract but
arguments with a face. Hence, Axiom Two: The less attention the Republican
candidate draws to him/herself, the better the chances of winning. To the extent
that 2012 is about ideas, about the case for smaller government, Republicans
have a decided edge. If it’s a referendum on the fitness and soundness of the
Republican candidate – advantage Obama.

Which suggests Axiom Three: No baggage and no need for flash. Having tried
charisma in 2008, the electorate is not looking for a thrill up the leg in 2012.
It’s looking for solid, stable, sober and, above all, not scary.

Given these Euclidean truths, here’s the early line. (Remember: This is
analysis, not advocacy.)

For more from the article. See:


Mitt Romney’s Favorite novel is L Ron Hubbard’s Novel Battlestar Earth

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According to John Dickerson of  Slate.com, Mitt Romney’s favorite novel is   Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard .

For those of you who didn’t study it in school, Battlefield Earth takes place in the year 3000, when the human race is nearly extinct and the planet stripped of its natural resources. Mankind has been enslaved by evil aliens with very bad breath that explodes when it comes into contact with radioactive material. A young slave wielding lasers and draped in a tennis cardigan leads a rebellion and retakes Earth, only to be attacked again by a series of foes including a race of interstellar bankers trying to collect on bad debts. (There may be kung-fu fights and a championship football game, too; I confess that I haven’t read it all.)

Everything about the book is bad. Just a few sentences into the first page, you’re confronted by this sentence: “Terl could not have produced a more profound effect had he thrown a meat-girl naked into the middle of the room.” (A clothed meat-girl apparently gets a big yawn.) Hubbard’s soundtrack for the book, when played, either attracts mice or repels dogs, or both. The movie, which starred John Travolta, is what therapists show to the producers of Ishtar and Glitter to help them feel good.

The whole tumbling horror of the Battlefield Earth experience is so profound it nearly comes out the other side and achieves a kind of perfection of awfulness. Is Romney being ironic, then, like those people who buy clown art? Unlikely. There’s not a big irony bloc in the GOP and Battlefield Earth is a thousand-page book. No one can sustain irony for that long. (At 13,000 words per dollar it is a great value, though, which might appeal to notoriously frugal New Hampshire voters.) Romney was quick to point out that he disagreed with Scientology, so he wasn’t going for that vote, or the smaller, untapped, creepy-Hubbard-ascotfetish vote. Is Romney trying to act like he’s a regular guy? Only 8 percent of the words in the book are considered “complex,” so he can’t be labeled an elitist, but no one trying to look like a common Joe would pick this book. You simply need a deep level of weird to like Battlefield Earth. The speed with which some of his aides tried to distance the governor from his remarks suggests they think he now looks a little too weird.

For more from the article, check out Mr Dickerson’s page at Slate.com:
