
The Ides of March

311 March 11 Personality Profiles

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The March 11 Pisces birthday is a birth date that endows a person with intuition and a deep urge for spiritual or philosophical awareness.  Deep in your heart you know that Fate has called you to something different, challenging, and yet utterly wonderful. As a child you mystified your parents and teachers alike by being too otherworldly, intuitive,
astute, and/or wise beyond your years. Later in life these same characteristics
inspire trust and confidence from associates and loved ones alike.A Pisces born on March 11 has the temperament of an artisan. These gentle yet determined souls follow a personal path throughout life. They are drawn to extremes, and whether or not these have a positive
effect, March 11 people will learn the lessons they need to learn. They are
sticklers for truth.

It is important for the March 11 to endeavor to balance your ideals and aspirations with those of practical work and consistent efforts. If you cannot accomplish this then your “otherworldliness” will distract you and keep you from paying attention to the responsibilities at hand

March 11 men and women appreciate the need to protect their health particularly
their mental health by preserving harmony in all areas of life. Their goal is to balance both their emotions and intellect. Like the two Piscean fish, sometimes mind and feelings swim in opposite directions. Putting asidetime for reflection and meditation helps them retain their emotional and physical equilibrium. They derive inner peace from getting in touch with their
core self.  They have pacifist tendencies yet are quietly heroic. They want to succeed in life yet are aware that success can be measured in many ways. Remaining true to their spiritual compass is a major issue for them.

To help keep their feelings in synchronization, they should keep a piece of the clear quartz mineral near them. Another object of power and influence for the March 11 is that of a crescent moon painting or sculpture.

They are unusually sensitive and need to be well grounded so that they can bring their personal vision and truth down to earth.

March 11 people command love and  affection from friends. They are
experts at being able to bring disparate people into the same orbit. As lovers,
they can be demanding. They have specific ideas about what they want and are
not flexible about change. If a romantic relationship breaks up, they may have
a hard time moving on. As a March 11 they experience an ardent need to be in contact and to associatewith others of similar mind-frames and interests. They are people who loves life and tends to automatically spread your feelings to those with whom you make contact.

To satisfy their protective and nurturing instincts you might have a pet of some kind. A cat or an especially affectionate breed of dog could be well suited for their gentle temperament, especially if it’s a faithful and intelligent animal.

.People born on this date have unconventional ideas about careers and the roles of careers in their lives. They often have a careless, even irresponsible, attitude toward money.

They seek a lighthouse with a clear beam shining through the fog.

There are aspects of this day of March 11 that connect to the planet Jupiter and fortunately, in its most beneficial aspect. With the influence of the planet Jupiter, together with other compassionate aspects of this day, provides for strong indicators for a great love of children and the importance you place on being able to look after others. If Jupiter was in Pisces when they were born, then all of these characteristics and then

March 11 Pisces tend to win raffles and lotteries or prizes more often than the average person. Try carrying a small square made of tin in your pocket or handbag as this can add to your good fortunes.

In their abode they should consider curved type furniture and some round furniture pieces – as example a Victorian hassock upholstered in burgundy velvet could be a shape to provide them great pleasure.

Surround themselves with living things, as you will love to feel their positive energy. Utilize plenty of brightly colored potted plants within your home environment.

In their outdoor scenario, the March 11 should combine luxury in tandem with nature. The
utilization of some comfortable outdoor chairs with an umbrella table on which
to enjoy outdoor meals, creates the effect of an extra outdoors room for your
home than can be utilized during the good weather.

A statue of an angel blowing a trumpet for example may serve to remind you that you have a message to communicate in life.

Boxes, pillows, and other objects in the shape of the crescent moon could be attractive pieces for your home.

The energies inherent in the birth numbers 5 and 8 mingle well with your natural sense of
purpose. In business this may manifest in things like creating a wholly new
gadget, developing a fresh idea for reforming an outmoded structure, or
implementing a highly successful mode of adult education (just for starters).
Honestly, you can do nearly anything, so long as the foundations are already in
place for that project. The eleventh day of the third month reduces to
five, and the number five is the number that embodies the principle of change
and adaptation. The seventy-first day of the year reduces to
eight, and the number eight provides the quality of natural rhythm,
the give-and-take, to the occurrence of change.

Nothing in life acts or exists in a vacuum and
this date of March 11 is a path of integrating the apparently diverse and
unrelated threads of your life into a pattern and design that is yours, and
yours alone. What are your talents? Where is your contribution to the whole?

They should try ballroom dancing lessons or
enroll in a Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts class. They are much better
suited for individual rather than team sports such as hiking.  Undertake a journey of self-discovery with no holds barred.

Obtain someaqua-green Amazonite and/or Heliodor stone, as these will stimulate your

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  1. its true.. 🙂


    February 13, 2013 at 3:16 pm

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